The Royal Mail Postcode Address File Data UK contains a comprehensive list of delivery addresses in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The data provides an up-to-date list of postal addresses and postcodes in the UK.There are two versions of the Royal Mail Postcode Address File Data of the UK:1. PAF Data (Postcode Level) UK2. PAF Data (Premise Level) UK1. The Postcode Address File (PAF) Data (Postcode Level) UK has the following structure: Organisation or company name, Name of Premises or House Number, Street Name, Locality, Postal Town, County, Postcode, Address type such as Residential, Business or large User, Number of Delivery Points at the Postcode (how many premises share the postcode), Local Authority Code, National Health Region Code, Easting and Northing co-ordinates in the National Grids of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates in the World Geographical Reference system using the WGS84 model of shape of the earth. This is the model which is used by satellite global positioning systems. The PAF Data UK file contains two layers, one for addresses and postcodes in Great Britain and one for those in Northern Ireland.The PAF Data (Postcode Level) UK contains all of the addresses by postcode in the UK but groups addresses by postcode rather than including the addresses of all individual premises. This set of PAF Data UK is widely used for mailing, address cleaning, address verification and automated address completion and contains about 1.7 million records2. The PAF Data (Premise Level) UK contains details of the address of individual premises in a street. It is chiefly used by organisations which are involved in providing services to individual premises incluing home delivery or pick up, electricity, gas, water and land-line telephone companies, local authorities and others. This set of data is much larger with about 29 million records.Both sets of data are supplied in Microsoft Access or ASCII Text Comma Separated Value (CSV) or TAB delimited format which can be read into most database management systems. Graticule supply Royal Mail Postcode Address File Data of the UK to meet the requirements of customers and offer advice on whether or not Postcode Level or Premise Level is appropriate.Graticule supplies annual licenses its PAF Data of the UK for single-users, multiple users, site, corporate and Internet use. Graticule supplies PAF Data of the UK with an annual licence and one update included in the annual licence fee each year. It can provide a sample of the PAF Data of the UK at Postcode or Premise level as an ASCII Text comman separated value (CSV) file which can be read using Microsoft's Notepad or Word software.You can make an inquiry about these products by clicking on this link and sending an email to